NVC Resources on Connection
Delve into the power of forgiveness with Rodger Sorrow! Listen in as Rodger explores 3 areas: asking for forgiveness, when it's hard to forgive, and forgiving ourselves.
Join Jori and Jim Manske to explore, learn and practice the art of receiving the word "no," re-framing it from fear into fun.
From Suffering to Aliveness
Not Fighting Reality
How we relate to life parallels how we relate to others! Learn how to have a more healthy way of relating to situations and people when your needs are not being met. Bob Wentworth offers some wisdom on moving from suffering to aliveness through not fighting what is.
Join Jori and Jim Manske to explore, learn and practice an NVC approach to mourning and celebration.
A Foundation of Inner Freedom, Empowerment and Peace
The human needs that we all share are the foundation of the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process because it is in connecting to needs that we find inner freedom, empowerment and compassion.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan shares how Marshall Rosenberg helped her see how unacknowledged fear can be misinterpreted as aggression and offers an elegant and simple strategy for changing this dynamic.
Jeff Brown moderates a fishbowl discussion discussing why it's uncomfortable for them to talk about privilege… what they're doing to be aware of / combat racism… and the role of empathy and NVC around privilege.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how using OFNR or "Classic NVC" is for practice, not real life situations.
Dealing with Loss
Engaging with Someone’s Grief for the World
When faced with someone’s grief for the world, how do you engage with them in a way that is informed? In this session, Kristin suggests exploring what they might be grieving… what they’re afraid of losing… and what it is that they love.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how naturalizing NVC language involves self care and begins with accepting what is true in the moment.